Davis & Sacramento
Area Realtors
Our knowledge of the local area and market will be very valuable in helping you find the right home in the right neighborhood for the right price.
If you want to sell your home, we can educate you to the current market, help you develop a competitive, market-based price for your home, develop and implement an effective Marketing Plan for the sale of your home, help you negotiate the best price and terms for the sale, and manage the inspection process for you to help ensure that the transaction proceeds smoothly and concludes successfully.
Sales Agent
CA BRE License:
From the Office of:
Gold Associates
10860 Old Center Drive, Suite 180
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Phone: 530-758-5323
Direct Line: 916-869-0040
E-Mail: carli@TeamTraverso.com
As experienced Real Estate Agents, we can help you find the home of your dreams, help you buy your new home for the best price available in the market at the time, help you find qualified inspectors to help you with your "due diligence" inspections of the home so that you are well-informed about the condition of the home and better informed to request the seller to make desired repairs, and help you find the most favorable mortgage.